Monday, 9 January 2023

LED Digital Repeating Count down Loop Timer | Outdoor Large Electronics Stopwatch | LED Countdown Digital Clock | Outdoor waterproof stopwatch timer

LED Digital Repeating Count down Loop Timer | Outdoor Large Electronics Stopwatch 

-  Automatic Cycle Countdown function: The countdown time setting range is 1 to 999 seconds, with loop / reapeat function
- The set countdown time can be saved for easy recall.
- When the countdown reaches 0, it will sound for XX seconds (programmable) 
- Come with Keypad with Start, Stop & Reset function

Industrial Electronics LED Production Andon Timer, benefits of LED Process Timers in Manufacturing Production Systems having in your manufacturing plant.
- Let the operator know how much time they have to finish the task they have on hand.
- Motivate manufacturing staff—in a moving production line, a slow operator can delay everyone down the line, so timers create a sense of speed.
- Help to find bottlenecks in your production line.
- Reduce downtime & affordable

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LED Display System Design & manufacturer 
Engineered & Assembly in Malaysia

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