Industrial Electronics LED Production Andon Timer, benefits of LED Process Timers in Manufacturing Production Systems having in your manufacturing plant.
- Let the operator know how much time they have to finish the task they have on hand.
- Motivate manufacturing staff—in a moving production line, a slow operator can delay everyone down the line, so timers create a sense of speed.
- Help to find bottlenecks in your production line.
- Reduce downtime & affordable
- Let the operator know how much time they have to finish the task they have on hand.
- Motivate manufacturing staff—in a moving production line, a slow operator can delay everyone down the line, so timers create a sense of speed.
- Help to find bottlenecks in your production line.
- Reduce downtime & affordable
*How to select a LED Production Timer (type of Interface, Start & Stop trigger, reset time, audible alerts, alarm output, PLC interface, input power, operating environment, installation & durability)
Interface: A process timer should have an interface that's easy to use in order to quickly change the startup time. The most common interface is serial (RS232 / RS485)
Start and Stop Trigger: The most common method to trigger the process timer is using dry contact (unpowered) inputs. Some process timers can be triggered with ASCII Control codes.
Reset Time: The process timer should have a quick reset time to avoid delays between resets.
Audible Alerts: Does the process timer have the ability to play an audible alert if the operator does not finish the task in his/her allotted time?
Alarm Output: Does the process timer have the ability to trigger an alarm output based on a preset value?
PLC Interface: Can the process timer be interfaced with your PLC to easily change the startup time?
Input Power: 24VDC is most common in industrial environments for process timers.
Operating Environment: Process timers should be able to withstand harsh manufacturing environment.
Installation: Compact and lightweight process timers are preferred for the ease of installation.
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure): LED process timers are typically rated up to 100,000 hours.
When looking to motivate the staff at your manufacturing plant, try a LED process timer as a tool to motivate, increased production and efficiency.
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