Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Custronics 4 to 20mA 4 digit (0.000) RH - 1.1RW rh% Programmable Display

Customization 4-20mA LED Display Panel

4-20mA0mA humidity display
4-20mA temperature display
4-20mA pressure display
4-20mA temperature display
4-20mA load cell display

DC 0V to 10V

Any DC current from 0-20mA
Any DC voltage from 0-10V

From 1 digit to 10 digit display

Large format Red LED Displays with digit sizes from 4” to 20” high. Visible from 175 feet to 500 feet. Display temperature, pressure, flow and other process variables. Typical input is 4 to 20mA or 0 to 10VDC. Other inputs available. Custom units available. Click Here

These can be easily scaled to read your process variable, thanks to a unique user-friendly Custronics calibration system. Displays are available to show your measurement in 3,4,5 or 6 digit format. We can also print units text on the display to show oC, Bar, %rh, mmHg, litres, gallons, tonnes etc.

LED Display System Design & manufacturer 
Engineered & Assembly in Malaysia

Jim Loo https://Www.wasap.my/60163199391 #custronics #jttechtronicssdnbhd #PPMdisplaypanel #MPMDisplaypanel #KPIdisplaypanel #productiondisplaypanel #leddisplaypanel #malaysialed #leddisplaypanelmalaysia #leddisplaymalaysia #leddisplayboardmalaysia #leddisplayboard #productiondisplayboard #productiondisplaymalaysia #rs232display #rs485display #mqttdisplay #andonsystem #andondisplay #andonleddisplay

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