Tuesday, 9 May 2017

LED Countdown Timer l Digital Timers l HH:MM l 2.1RW l LED Small & large Digital Countdown timer

Custronics LED Series is a versatile display that can increase productivity by offering the plant floor or production area a large visual display of their current status. Whether your measurement needs are for Count down timer, count up timer, counter & process information, our R&D team can customize the product according your requirement. More LED Timer

The panel accepts various analogue inputs which allow the unit to adapt to most any application. Additional request such as additional siren, buzzer or emergency light , analogue output (dry-contact), received input from 3rd party products to cater client requirement.

6 Digit display
Type A : HH : MM 
Type B : MM: SS 
Type C : Hours

LED Display System Design & manufacturer 
Engineered & Assembly in Malaysia

Jim Loo https://Www.wasap.my/60163199391 #custronics #jttechtronicssdnbhd #PPMdisplaypanel #MPMDisplaypanel #KPIdisplaypanel #productiondisplaypanel #leddisplaypanel #malaysialed #leddisplaypanelmalaysia #leddisplaymalaysia #leddisplayboardmalaysia #leddisplayboard #productiondisplayboard #productiondisplaymalaysia #rs232display #rs485display #mqttdisplay #andonsystem #andondisplay #andonleddisplay