Sunday, 19 March 2017

RS 232 LED decoder Display panel l RS485 LED display panel l 4 to 20ma programmable LED Display panel l NPN LED counter display panel l LED Display panel Malaysia

Serial RS232 Remote Display [4 Digit decoder Display with 320mm character height] 

RS232 & RS485 Input Large LED Remote Display,  this display typically shows a fixed message or value, such as a system or machine identifier, or a target production value (Count, rate or process) About Us

LED Display System Design & manufacturer 
Engineered & Assembly in Malaysia

Jim Loo #custronics #jttechtronicssdnbhd #PPMdisplaypanel #MPMDisplaypanel #KPIdisplaypanel #productiondisplaypanel #leddisplaypanel #malaysialed #leddisplaypanelmalaysia #leddisplaymalaysia #leddisplayboardmalaysia #leddisplayboard #productiondisplayboard #productiondisplaymalaysia #rs232display #rs485display #mqttdisplay #andonsystem #andondisplay #andonleddisplay